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WTB AX15 Transmission in good condition

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WTB AX15 Transmission in good condition Empty WTB AX15 Transmission in good condition

Post  RidingOnLeafs 6/12/2014, 12:34 am

Hello All,

The time has finally come to replace my transmission. I am looking for any AX-15 transmission in good working order. Junkyards are asking too much and I know someone has one laying around that they removed. Think my synchro for 4th went as I got stuck in gear approaching a light. I got it home and parked it and it returned back to neutral after almost bogging out. It has always grinded gears since I bought it from the previous owner. Currently has an AX-15 with a brand new clutch, clutch master, and internal slave.

If you have other suggestions, I'm open to offers. I took off the shifter, cleaned the transmission tower, added synchromesh, ect. I am going to do a full transmission change possibly this weekend and make sure it didn't take on water, but it's about time to get a good one in the jeep anyways.

If you have one hanging around and want to sell it, please don't hesitate to contact me on my phone at - nine seven 8 239 eight one 51.


WTB AX15 Transmission in good condition Jeep_c10
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WTB AX15 Transmission in good condition Empty Re: WTB AX15 Transmission in good condition

Post  THOOPY3 6/13/2014, 9:54 am

I know it might be tough, but I suggest going with one from a 1994 or 1995 YJ as those models came with the external slave. I had this swap done a few years ago because it had gone through three slave cylinders in roughly four years (two in the span of a month) and third gear was real rough. My swap was a new-to-me AX-5 though, as my Jeep has the 2.5.

Assuming your Jeep has the 4.0, all you should need is the bellhousing and transmission itself from the donor 4.0 and things should bolt right up. If you're doing the AX-5 to AX-15 swap however, then there's a whole bunch of other things that need to be done to make it work, which is why I didn't bother going through all that hassle a few years back. It wasn't worth it for a rig that only sees light/moderate trails every few months.

EDIT: somehow I missed the part about it currently having an AX-15, so ignore my mini-rant about the AX-5 to AX-15 swap.
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