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NSJ Sticker Design

Ryan McKee
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NSJ Sticker Design Empty NSJ Sticker Design

Post  Ryan McKee 6/28/2012, 6:22 pm

So I've mentioned it before, but now have finally gotten around to getting different versions made to see what looks good. The first set that came back were a little too bold for my likings. I had them re-designed, and got a smaller (JeepForum size) version made in a nicer font.

Here's a photo of the 2nd draft, put on my rear bumper. I've got to figure out what looks best before I go decaling the windshield. It is 1" tall, and about 10" wide.

What I'd like is to get people's feedback. What style are you looking for? 1.5" x 15"ish? I think that's small enough to be noticeable but not obnoxious. Multiple colors can be done, so don't get heartbroken over white. Let me know what you guys want/think/suggest/etc.

NSJ Sticker Design File-641
Ryan McKee
Ryan McKee

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NSJ Sticker Design Empty Re: NSJ Sticker Design

Post  PrinothPro 6/29/2012, 12:40 am

I like it
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NSJ Sticker Design Empty Re: NSJ Sticker Design

Post  jimaug87 6/29/2012, 11:26 am

Approved cheers

I'll take a silver please
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NSJ Sticker Design Empty Re: NSJ Sticker Design

Post  JaFra 6/29/2012, 3:56 pm

I'd run a black one on my rear quarter panels above the flare.

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NSJ Sticker Design Empty Re: NSJ Sticker Design

Post  Mark 6/29/2012, 5:12 pm

north shore
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NSJ Sticker Design Empty Re: NSJ Sticker Design

Post  jku87 7/2/2012, 7:18 pm

that looks cool. how do we go about ordering some in bulk in various colors? would also think it would be cool to have the ".com"
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NSJ Sticker Design Empty Re: NSJ Sticker Design

Post  Ryan McKee 7/3/2012, 11:26 am

My hesitation about the ".com" is that I don't want this to be an advertisement. My real goal is just to unify the members, and have something so that if someone saw it they could easily go on Google and find us, y'know?

Ryan McKee
Ryan McKee

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NSJ Sticker Design Empty Re: NSJ Sticker Design

Post  JaFra 7/3/2012, 11:48 am

I agree with Ryan on this one.

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NSJ Sticker Design Empty Re: NSJ Sticker Design

Post  Mark 7/3/2012, 12:12 pm

north shore jeeps is ok
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NSJ Sticker Design Empty Re: NSJ Sticker Design

Post  jku87 7/3/2012, 2:58 pm

Yeah I see where you are coming from Ryan. Either way it'll look good.
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NSJ Sticker Design Empty Re: NSJ Sticker Design

Post  jku87 11/28/2014, 2:55 pm

Bringing this back from the dead and I apologize if it was stated elsewhere on the forum, but how do we go about ordering a sticker? Would love to put one on my JKU.
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NSJ Sticker Design Empty Re: NSJ Sticker Design

Post  CrawlingForward 12/11/2014, 10:58 pm

Well, we used to have a company that made stickers that we ordered from, but they went out of business, so we're still looking for a new vendor.
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NSJ Sticker Design Empty Re: NSJ Sticker Design

Post  CrawlingForward 12/11/2014, 11:17 pm

I've got another vendor I've been ordering Doctor Who vinyls from, though, that I've sent a message to asking if they'd be interested.
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NSJ Sticker Design Empty Re: NSJ Sticker Design

Post  CrawlingForward 12/12/2014, 11:39 am

Woot woot.

I'm in talks with Stickees right now about adding our tickets to their online store.  They'd be about $7 including shipping, which is a bit more than the previous stickers, but still not bad and if we ordered a bunch at a time, it would only be $4 per sticker plus the $3ish bucks for shipping all of them.

Below would be the colors available:
NSJ Sticker Design 61ZVhVtoIkL._SL1000_

Like I said, I've got a couple of Doctor Who window vinyls he's done and they're awesome.

He's got a big Christmas rush right now, but he can have them available on Amazon starting in January.
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NSJ Sticker Design Empty Re: NSJ Sticker Design

Post  AquilesT 12/12/2014, 11:47 am

nice work on making the connection and getting some pricing set up
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NSJ Sticker Design Empty Re: NSJ Sticker Design

Post  Ryan McKee 12/12/2014, 4:47 pm

Geoff this is great... Thanks so much for getting this ball rolling again! I never did get back to that last vendor about getting these made...Having them available on Amazon or some external link will be phenomenal so we don't have to handle the orders ourselves.

Soon, gents! Stickers shall be back!
Ryan McKee
Ryan McKee

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NSJ Sticker Design Empty NSJ Stickers

Post  Gary 5/11/2015, 9:04 pm

Any stickers available yet? I would like to get it tagged before Saturday's GTD.
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NSJ Sticker Design Empty Re: NSJ Sticker Design

Post  CrawlingForward 5/12/2015, 8:12 am

Nothing yet, still waiting to hear back from the vendor, thought I wrote him again just now in case in got lost in his inbox.

The vendor we've been in talks with is Stickees on Amazon, who have all sorts of good stuff and I've ordered some of their Doctor Who vinyls and they've held up incredibly well. Quality products.
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NSJ Sticker Design Empty Re: NSJ Sticker Design

Post  CrawlingForward 5/13/2015, 12:19 pm

"Hi Geoff!

Most welcome! Thank you for the opportunity to serve you, also want to bring to your attention that I also do t-shirts, with t-shirts I can do one or multiple depending on need and also offer full color digital graphics ie banners, signage etc....

Have attached images to make sure I am in the same mud bog as you, no pun intended.

I can make a listing so the members can go to it and select size and color or just set up ordering threw PayPal via Stickees, thinking ordering through Etsy would be easier for everyone considering I can offer more colors and sizes and all they would have to do is select what they want, which ever works best

Size wise the lower case image is 1"x 11.25" and the upper case image is 1" x 11.5"

Price: $4.50 each plus $2.50 shipping

Let me know if you have any questions,
Thank you,

I'll let you know when I've got the link! What a Face
Moab Dessert

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NSJ Sticker Design Empty Re: NSJ Sticker Design

Post  CrawlingForward 5/14/2015, 10:45 am

Sticker ordering is now available!

He can do it in a number of different sizes and colors. He's actually from Houston, which I didn't realize before I contacted him, but it means that if we have a need, I can do some business personally.

With shipping, it should end up being about $7 each.
Moab Dessert

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NSJ Sticker Design Empty Re: NSJ Sticker Design

Post  jmac603 2/18/2016, 9:32 am

Don at can def. do these as well. Handmade in the USA. Turnaround time is a little long, but great auto vinyl. I've ordered a few items from him. I'm pretty sure you just send him the design and he will produce and save it, so any member can order. Just a thought.

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NSJ Sticker Design Empty Re: NSJ Sticker Design

Post  CrawlingForward 2/18/2016, 9:59 am

That would be awesome. I had admittedly been less involved the past few years, so someone else taking charge and setting up a new vendor would be awesome.
Moab Dessert

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NSJ Sticker Design Empty Re: NSJ Sticker Design

Post  Tonellin 2/18/2016, 12:03 pm

Hows MI life???
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NSJ Sticker Design Empty Re: NSJ Sticker Design

Post  CrawlingForward 2/18/2016, 12:12 pm

Tonellin wrote:Hows MI life???

It's good! A little crazy and we're still unpacking, but new place and new jobs are good. Been getting to spend a bit more time on the motorcycle and fabrication projects, which has been nice.

Poor YJ is still pretty neglected, due to driving Winn to daycare as part of my commute and an effort to keep it off the salted roads.
Moab Dessert

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