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Tie Rod, Drag Ling or something problem

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Tie Rod, Drag Ling or something problem Empty Tie Rod, Drag Ling or something problem

Post  mr.steamy 4/10/2013, 7:27 pm

So I put in my steering stabalizer and noticed a problem. The tie rod (i think) has been rubbing up against the bottom of the sway bar (i think). I took a pic. My friend said the drag link is bent? I don't please.

Tie Rod, Drag Ling or something problem Photo4_zps48139547
Class 6A

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Tie Rod, Drag Ling or something problem Empty Re: Tie Rod, Drag Ling or something problem

Post  saxmanclay 4/11/2013, 8:49 am

It's difficult to tell from that close. Could you take a picture further away? Also, do you hear scraping when you turn? Or is it more difficult to turn right than it is left?
Mall Crawler

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Tie Rod, Drag Ling or something problem Empty Re: Tie Rod, Drag Ling or something problem

Post  CrawlingForward 4/11/2013, 10:40 am

Btw, to help with more confidently naming stuff, here is a super-awesome graphic that I use all the time.

Tie Rod, Drag Ling or something problem Tjsteering(1)
Moab Dessert

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Tie Rod, Drag Ling or something problem Empty Re: Tie Rod, Drag Ling or something problem

Post  mr.steamy 4/11/2013, 11:07 am

CrawlingForward wrote:Btw, to help with more confidently naming stuff, here is a super-awesome graphic that I use all the time.

Tie Rod, Drag Ling or something problem Tjsteering(1)

That is awesome!! Thanks!

I don't hear any scrapping and I haven't noticed any difficulty turning, but when my friend and I were putting on the stabalizer he had mr turn the wheel to the right and sawthat it would hit.
Class 6A

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