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Rigid LEDs in the Audi

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Rigid LEDs in the Audi Empty Rigid LEDs in the Audi

Post  Ryan McKee 8/8/2013, 12:17 pm

Not a Jeep update, but has Jeep stuff in it so I figured y'all wouldn't care. I've been frustrated with the fog lights on my A4 recently so I bought a 2nd Rigid SRM-2, and fitted them to the fog light housings. Just went from 55 watts to 2500 lumens of LED power... BAZINGA!

I'll post some photos from tonight so the light throw is more obvious.

Stock with the sealed beam reflector:
Rigid LEDs in the Audi IMG_1682-2

Wired up:
Rigid LEDs in the Audi IMG_1686-3

Fitted into the stock housing:
Rigid LEDs in the Audi IMG_1690-4

Bright... haha
Rigid LEDs in the Audi IMG_1691-5

And with the headlight.. in broad daylight it's pretty bright. Can't wait to see it at night
Rigid LEDs in the Audi IMG_1702-6
Ryan McKee
Ryan McKee

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Rigid LEDs in the Audi Empty Re: Rigid LEDs in the Audi

Post  Rob Cote 8/9/2013, 9:01 am

Well this is awesome. Nice work, Ryan! Do you have/want the ability to leave your fog lights on while your high beams are on?

Also, have you considered relaying your lights? Both those mods with these fogs and you'll be able to see to tomorrow!
Rob Cote
Rob Cote
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Rigid LEDs in the Audi Empty Re: Rigid LEDs in the Audi

Post  Ryan McKee 8/9/2013, 9:14 am

Took it out for a test run last night, and that's the first time I ever realized that the fogs shut off with hi beams. It'd be an interesting thing to have, but my priority is actually to use a Vag-Com and set it so that I can have the fog lights on without the headlights being on.

What specifically are you referring to by relaying them?

I got some great pics last night of the lights. Incredible how piss poor my headlights have been for so long.
Ryan McKee
Ryan McKee

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Rigid LEDs in the Audi Empty Re: Rigid LEDs in the Audi

Post  Rob Cote 8/9/2013, 9:22 am

Oh nice, you have Vag-com? I was going to offer, but I think my interface might not work on your car.

Unmodified, I was able to drive with only my fogs on. That's unfortunate you can't, but I think the coding is pretty straightforward to use fogs as DRLs.

By relaying them, I mean you run power directly from the battery (fused, of course) to the bulbs (via the relay) and the headlight switch only turns the relay on and off. It might actually already be wired like that from the factory, I'm not totally familiar with that platform.
Rob Cote
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Rigid LEDs in the Audi Empty Re: Rigid LEDs in the Audi

Post  Mark 8/9/2013, 9:32 am

The fogs shut off when hi beams are on with the TJs too.
Rubicon Trail

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Rigid LEDs in the Audi Empty Re: Rigid LEDs in the Audi

Post  Rob Cote 8/9/2013, 9:36 am

I think it's a US thing, Mark. With my Audi, it was a very simple coding change to "fix" that. When I'm driving on back roads at night, being able to have my brights and fogs on together is a game-changer for sure. Helps visibility SO MUCH!

I also acquired a roof rack for it and I've been toying with how to mount two Daylighters on that for winter use or something, but that's a story for a different thread.
Rob Cote
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Rigid LEDs in the Audi Empty Re: Rigid LEDs in the Audi

Post  Ryan McKee 8/9/2013, 9:43 am

I don't have a vag com but a friend with a shop does. If the offer stands I'd take you up on it. I didn't think there'd be compatibility issues. The 02s were the only B6 year that's doable without requiring the switch.

Roof rack + 10 or 20" LED bar would be nuts.
Ryan McKee
Ryan McKee

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Rigid LEDs in the Audi Empty Re: Rigid LEDs in the Audi

Post  Rob Cote 8/9/2013, 9:47 am

I got a Micro-CAN interface because it works with my car, but there are select few other models it's compatible with. A coworker's 2008? A4 was a no-go. So I dunno. I can pay + return my cable for a discount on one that will do pretty much every VW/Audi ever made. I'm tempted to do it, but just haven't really felt motivated. It'd be super convenient.
Rob Cote
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