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luk clutch kit

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luk clutch kit Empty luk clutch kit

Post  bigmike 9/24/2013, 10:43 am

Have people gone mad a plastic throw out bearing. Im not too sure about putting plastic parts in my drivetrain. Napa told me thats how it is now. But i still dont like it but hey if thats how they sell it then there shouldnt be any problems.
Mall Crawler

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luk clutch kit Empty Re: luk clutch kit

Post  CrawlingForward 9/24/2013, 10:56 am

Wait...really? And that's a faster-wearing part, I though.

If it was me, I'd try and order a brass one online or something.
Moab Dessert

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luk clutch kit Empty luk clutch kit

Post  bigmike 9/24/2013, 12:43 pm

92 dollars for a piece of mind. Im sure if i had time i could contact luk and get it replaced but i dont i had to go dealership and bend over. They are such crooks but atleast i didnt put in a crap part that will break in no time and start all over again. So for people that are doin clutches i would make sure you have time order it and make sure you get an all metal throw out bearing im sure luk will send ya one
Mall Crawler

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luk clutch kit Empty Re: luk clutch kit

Post  Andrew Miller 9/25/2013, 12:19 am

When i get my transmission rebuilt in the near future, im gonna go ahead and have them put in a centerforce throw out bearing, heard pretty good things about them. I just did my clutch about a year ago and my throw out bearing is getting nosier when in neutral. I got the heavy duty clutch and throw out bearing from napa as well.
Andrew Miller
Andrew Miller

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luk clutch kit Empty Re: luk clutch kit

Post  Mark 9/25/2013, 8:52 am

From my experience,, my 2 cents..
If the release bearing was recently installed it's probably not that..
The release bearing should last way over 100k with no problem.
It sounds like the transmission input shaft bearing is shot,, VERY COMMON.
Does it make the noise when you depress the clutch pedal or when the pedal is up???
If the noise goes away when you depress the clutch pedal it is most likely the input shaft  bearing in the transmission.
If it makes noise when you depress the pedal it is most likely the release bearing.

I only say this because you recently replaced the release bearing and were not sure if it had correct fluid in the transmission before you got it.. the input shaft bearing takes a beating plus running the wrong fluid in the trans will ruin internals.
Rubicon Trail

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luk clutch kit Empty luk clutch

Post  bigmike 9/25/2013, 5:26 pm

I tell ya what I bet its cheaper to take yours out and buy a rebuilt one and swap it I got several quotes all were above 2 grand. The swap 240 for clutch 45 for tranny mount and 950 for rebilt tranny it comes to a grand total of its not installed yet so it could be a little more if ive forgot anything. Ill post price when done
Mall Crawler

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