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7 inch wide TJ Flares, used - SOLD -

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7 inch wide TJ Flares, used - SOLD - Empty 7 inch wide TJ Flares, used - SOLD -

Post  blue55 9/28/2013, 8:58 pm

Rugged Ridge 7 inch wide TJ flares USED,with extensions, still in package, 90 dollars(that's what I just paid for them), purchased for my jeep but not going to use them.

Last edited by blue55 on 11/23/2013, 10:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
Daily Driver

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Location : Haverhill MA

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7 inch wide TJ Flares, used - SOLD - Empty Re: 7 inch wide TJ Flares, used - SOLD -

Post  THOOPY3 11/21/2013, 4:43 pm

I know this is a long shot but any chance you still have these? Let me know either way if you could.


Moab Dessert

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7 inch wide TJ Flares, used - SOLD - Empty Re: 7 inch wide TJ Flares, used - SOLD -

Post  blue55 11/21/2013, 6:55 pm

Yes I do .
Daily Driver

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7 inch wide TJ Flares, used - SOLD - Empty Re: 7 inch wide TJ Flares, used - SOLD -

Post  THOOPY3 11/22/2013, 12:16 pm

PM sent.
Moab Dessert

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7 inch wide TJ Flares, used - SOLD - Empty Re: 7 inch wide TJ Flares, used - SOLD -

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