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7 inch YJ fender flares in Salem MA

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7 inch YJ fender flares in Salem MA Empty 7 inch YJ fender flares in Salem MA

Post  RidingOnLeafs 4/30/2014, 9:57 pm

I'm selling a complete set (front, rear, rocker attachments, and the side steps with lots of broken studs) of used 7 inch wide YJ flares. They're used, and off my vehicle now, and ready for someone who needs them. No side marker lenses or mounting hardware.

7 inch YJ fender flares in Salem MA Img_3110

Would like to sell for about a $100, or we can do trades. I'm interested in good TJ rear fender flares, any YJ tube fenders, YJ window frame, synthetic winch cable, or even someone to install a 1.25 body lift on my YJ. I don't believe I have enough posts for PM's so please feel free to text me at nineseveneight-two39-eight 1 five 1. I can take pictures if needed as I cannot host an image at this time.

Daily Driver

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Join date : 2014-02-13
Location : Revere

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