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North Shore Jeeps
Time to get the Jeep dirty! Register or log in to join the fun. If you don't, it's really your loss. There are good, knowledgeable people here. Some odd ones too, but most are o.k....
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PLEASE HELP!!!!!!! Empty PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!

Post  durajeep 5/27/2014, 7:05 pm

This is a very unlikely post here but i need to turn to my jeep friends. for help. My motorcycle was stolen from outside of my apartment in Nashua. Last Tuesday im got home from work around 8pm and the bike was parked next to my jeep with the handle bars locked. next day i wake up and its gone. no one saw anything and the bike is gone. yes i have insurance but this was my bike i don't want it replaced i want my bike back. It was a 2007 honda CBR 600RR. very rare blue and silver color. The headlights were extremely distinct. "angel eyes" they were blue HID lights with a blue halo around the lenses. there was also blue led strips in the lights. from what i've seen at bike shows i was the only 1 to have them. aside from that i had flush mount blinkers in the front with again the halo effect around them as well. Any information would be greatly appreciated. I know its a long shot and the bike is probably in a million pieces right now or on a truck to Florida but i need to atleast try. Please if any1 knows of anything at all please PM me. I cant blame cops for not trying to find it on this one because well my fiance is a cop as some of you know. They are trying but there is only so much they can do. i want my bike back and try to salvage some of the season. My bike is the only vehicle i might love more than my jeep. I know those words might be blasphemy here but any one who rides knows.

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PLEASE HELP!!!!!!! Empty Re: PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!

Post  dongalonga 5/27/2014, 8:07 pm

Dude sorry to hear this. I will keep an eye out for it. It is probably in a million pieces in Lawerence though. I hope I am wrong though.
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PLEASE HELP!!!!!!! Empty Re: PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!

Post  Scarytallman 5/27/2014, 8:27 pm

Good luck, sorry for your loss.
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PLEASE HELP!!!!!!! Empty Re: PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!

Post  Jake 5/30/2014, 1:23 pm

Man that really sucks. Sorry to hear. Will definitely keep an eye out.
Rausch Creek

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PLEASE HELP!!!!!!! Empty Re: PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!

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