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insurance claims

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insurance claims Empty insurance claims

Post  AquilesT 9/30/2014, 4:38 pm

Well OFR is around the corner and its likely the most difficult trail in my short wheelin career and after having seen a flop at the first MaBell run earlier this year I am wondering how have you guys handled trail damage with your insurance?
Class 6A

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insurance claims Empty Re: insurance claims

Post  dongalonga 9/30/2014, 9:36 pm

Afaik insurance will not cover such things.
Rubicon Trail

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insurance claims Empty Re: insurance claims

Post  Tonellin 10/1/2014, 9:14 am

I wouldn't ever bring up trail damage with an insurance company as they are likely to drop coverage from what I've heard, or put you at "high risk" or whatever and jack up your premiums. Also trail damage for me would (hopefully) not be higher than my $1,000 deductible so it wouldn't make sense for me to report it anyways...

But trails like OFR and most of the new hampshire class 6 trails we go on are actually public an accident on them shouldn't be treated any different than travelling down rt. 93 right? Now I'm curious...

You're rig will do just fine on OFR by the way that thing is definitely capable of tackling that trail
Rausch Creek

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insurance claims Empty Re: insurance claims

Post  AquilesT 10/1/2014, 11:22 am

Right.. That was my idea because these are "public" roads and open for "traffic" then any claim shouldnt be much of a hassel or different than a single driver hitting a tree on the side of the street or something
Class 6A

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insurance claims Empty Re: insurance claims

Post  dongalonga 10/1/2014, 1:24 pm

Like Nick said its ould most likely cost you more to use your insurance anyways. Between the deductible and premium hike, you're better off fixing any incurred damage on your own.
Rubicon Trail

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insurance claims Empty Re: insurance claims

Post  CrawlingForward 10/10/2014, 4:55 pm

I actually checked with USAA about this when I first bought the Jeep and got a very panicked response from the agent, ha ha.

Doesn't really matter if it's a road or not as long as you've got comprehensive and collision (which I think all MA drivers need a certain degree of?), it would technically be covered (although some policies don't have coverage for offroad).

Especially on a GPS approved (it used to route shipping trucks down it, ha ha ha) route like OFR, it would probably be covered.....once. And then they'd probably either drop you or jack your rates astronomically.

Some might argue that you can make the report once you get back on road, but if you're found to be falsifying a claim it could be a major major offense.

You're better off just knowing that once you leave the pavement, you're on your own.
Moab Dessert

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