North Shore Jeeps
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North Shore Jeeps
Time to get the Jeep dirty! Register or log in to join the fun. If you don't, it's really your loss. There are good, knowledgeable people here. Some odd ones too, but most are o.k....
North Shore Jeeps
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Thanks for the shin dig yesterday!

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Thanks for the shin dig yesterday! Empty Thanks for the shin dig yesterday!

Post  jeeperscripes 3/19/2012, 4:21 pm

Just wanted to send out a thanks again for hosting and getting this started for the 2012 season! Granted a lot of talk was over my head, despite my growing up on a race track! But looking forward blinging Gepz out.

Thanks again!!

Daily Driver

Posts : 36
Join date : 2012-01-18

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Thanks for the shin dig yesterday! Empty Re: Thanks for the shin dig yesterday!

Post  CrawlingForward 3/21/2012, 5:01 pm

You are most welcome! I know Dianna had a great time chatting with you, as did I.

I personally am pretty excited about having another JKU in the group. Hopefully you can start egging me(/Dianna) into taking ours on the trail more often!
Moab Dessert

Posts : 822
Join date : 2011-12-09
Age : 39
Location : Flushing, MI

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