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05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day

Ryan McKee
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05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day Empty 05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day

Post  Ryan McKee 5/18/2015, 10:34 am

Post up any photos from this past weekend of wheeling with North Shore Jeeps!

Ryan McKee
Ryan McKee

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05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day Empty Re: 05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day

Post  Ryan McKee 5/18/2015, 10:51 am

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Ryan McKee
Ryan McKee

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05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day Empty Re: 05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day

Post  Ryan McKee 5/18/2015, 11:02 am

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Ryan McKee
Ryan McKee

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05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day Empty Re: 05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day

Post  Tonellin 5/18/2015, 11:18 am

Damn Ryan you should drive less often. Amazing shots

I'm screwed now because if Andrew's half doors ever go missing there is photographic evidence of the number one suspect...
Rausch Creek

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05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day Empty Re: 05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day

Post  Ryan McKee 5/18/2015, 11:31 am

Tonellin wrote:Damn Ryan you should drive less often.  Amazing shots

I'm screwed now because if Andrew's half doors ever go missing there is photographic evidence of the number one suspect...

Thanks buddy. And yeah... proof!
Ryan McKee
Ryan McKee

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05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day Empty Re: 05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day

Post  CGT2358 5/18/2015, 12:02 pm

There is my link. I didn't get anything good on the go pro. I'll have to try harder next time.
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05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day Empty Re: 05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day

Post  marcus1993 5/18/2015, 12:18 pm

Were the the pic of the drive down there
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05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day Empty Re: 05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day

Post  dongalonga 5/18/2015, 1:35 pm

Those are some great pics guys. Keep them coming!
Rubicon Trail

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05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day Empty Re: 05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day

Post  Rob Cote 5/18/2015, 2:02 pm

SICK! I got a new avatar methinks Laughing
Rob Cote
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05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day Empty Re: 05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day

Post  THOOPY3 5/18/2015, 10:28 pm

Here's what I've got. Not many of you all since we were at the back of the pack. (And yes Ryan I experimented with a watermark.)
Moab Dessert

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05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day Empty Re: 05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day

Post  RubiconBob 5/19/2015, 7:10 pm

My jeep got baptized on the rocks of Mabell.  Time for some additional armor to protect that exhaust pipe and crossmember.

05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day Img_1211
05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day Img_1212

Photobomb of the day, courtesy of Nick

05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day <a href=05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day Img_1213" />

3'wheel Mckee
05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day <a href=05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day _act5510" />

05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day Img_1214

05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day Img_1215

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05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day Empty Re: 05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day

Post  dongalonga 5/19/2015, 10:21 pm

Pound the crap out of those stock skids until they are worn out. Protect that exhaust pipe for sure!
Rubicon Trail

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05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day Empty Re: 05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day

Post  Rob Cote 5/20/2015, 8:18 am

Jeez Bob! No remorse!

Excellent work on that skid.
Rob Cote
Rob Cote
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05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day Empty Re: 05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day

Post  RubiconBob 5/20/2015, 8:24 am

ha, your mistaking remorse for Pride. out of curiosity, where does MaBell rate on the scale of difficulty for NSJ trail runs?

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05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day Empty Re: 05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day

Post  Tonellin 5/20/2015, 8:34 am

Definitely not many 2015 JKUR that can claim to have gone the places that thing went this weekend, it was fun watching it climb like a billy goat.

I agree with Shaun pound those things flat and go at it again, the JK skids are pretty strong.

Mabell is probably the most technical, it definitely requires the most amount of spotters in such a short run. There are a few other trails that have similar technical rock obstacles but they are stretched out over a few miles of nice trail
Rausch Creek

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05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day Empty Re: 05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day

Post  CGT2358 5/20/2015, 8:53 am

It takes a lot to destroy the stock skids. I still have my gas skid although its reaching the end of its life. The tranny one lasted until a while also. One of the giant mabell cliffs and a running start did it in one year though.
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05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day Empty Re: 05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day

Post  Rob Cote 5/20/2015, 10:27 am

I would say MaBell and Old Florida Rd. are comparable for the amount of challenge. However, they're quite different. OFR is much longer and it will wear you down towards the end of the day. Couple that with a ~3hr ride home and it's pretty nerve-wracking as well because you have it in the back of your mind that you need to get out alive enough to get back across the state.

MaBell is shorter and closer to home. If you can't make it, you can turn back early (as exhibited this past Sunday). But it's nearly a constant battle up. True that "THE" obstacle is at the entrance, but there's technical driving all the way up with nary a break. But then there are ways around pretty much everything if you simply can't even.

OFR doesn't give you much option. And there's no turning back. And then you have to cross the lake at the end.

Long story short, do them both. And anything else you can do. It's awesome.
Rob Cote
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05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day Empty Re: 05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day

Post  Ryan McKee 5/20/2015, 11:31 am

RubiconBob wrote:ha, your mistaking remorse for Pride.  out of curiosity, where does MaBell rate on the scale of difficulty for NSJ trail runs?  

I like the pic of me on 3 wheels Smile Certainly shows a good angle of it.

MaBell is an interesting one... As Nick and Rob have said, it's probably the most difficult trail we run, especially when you factor the overall length (or lack thereof). 2nd runner up is Old Florida Road, which we'll run in October as we do annually, and perhaps even once in July or August. It's 5+ miles of trail with many rock gardens, two notable ledge climbs, and a water crossing at the end. It's a full-day run and doesn't require anywhere near as much standing around to spot people. There's the "thrill" of the constant reminder that you need to drive 160+ miles home at the end of the day/weekend, and if something goes wrong you've got to get out either the way you came by going down ledges, or through the lake another few miles up the trail. I promise, it's fun.

Did the rock bug bite yet, Bob? Maybe we need to plan out a Rausch Creek weekend.....
Ryan McKee
Ryan McKee

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05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day Empty Re: 05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day

Post  THOOPY3 5/20/2015, 12:04 pm

Ryan McKee wrote:Maybe we need to plan out a Rausch Creek weekend.....

This. I'm still pissed I had to back out of the one Geoff planned last year but would love to do it sometime this summer. You want to talk about nerve-wracking...beating the snot out of your Jeep in Pennsylvania and then having to drive back here would definitely have you thinking about those difficult lines well after the fact.
Moab Dessert

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05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day Empty Re: 05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day

Post  dongalonga 5/20/2015, 3:06 pm

Rausch is a much needed trip for us!
Rubicon Trail

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05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day Empty Re: 05/18/15 - MaBell Club Run/Go Topless Day

Post  RubiconBob 5/20/2015, 3:30 pm

Yeah, Rausch is in the cards for me and i have family only a couple hours away. Jeep should be upgraded by July with bigger shoes and a lift.

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