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Gauge upgrade

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Gauge upgrade Empty Gauge upgrade

Post  oathkeeper4freedom 7/24/2012, 3:36 am

I am considering upgrading my stock indash cluster with something a bit more Jeep like for my 02 TJ. I found a couple of write ups online saying it cant be done...I beg to differ...Anyone tried this before? I am prolly pulling the trigger on this pretty soon...Any advice would be appreciated...

heres what I am going after. Kinda.

Gauge upgrade Screenshot2012-07-24at100020AM

Last edited by Ryan M on 7/24/2012, 10:01 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Photo link)
Mall Crawler

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Gauge upgrade Empty Re: Gauge upgrade

Post  CrawlingForward 7/24/2012, 11:17 am

Hmmmm, dunno about dash in total, but if you look up how-tos on upgrading to LED dash lights, there might be some additional insights there.
Moab Dessert

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Gauge upgrade Empty Re: Gauge upgrade

Post  oathkeeper4freedom 7/25/2012, 5:12 am

I checked out the leds, and as much as I love the way they look/function, I think I want something a bit more CJ era ish...I am really trying to step back to the roots of the "true jeep days". Besides, I think round, white face gauges would look AWESOME in my TJ....I've got a couple of instructors at UTI that I am going to bounce it off of and see what they think. I may be in way over my head, but what the heck, I think I wanna go for it.....
Mall Crawler

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Gauge upgrade Empty Re: Gauge upgrade

Post  CrawlingForward 7/25/2012, 10:21 am

Oh, sorry! I meant, an LED dash write-up might have lots of pictures of the dash completely apart for figuring out how easy it would be to replace it as a whole.

I know I need pictures to wrap my head around a concept, usually.

These two seems to have a good number:

But yeah, it seems that air ducts, air ducts, and electronic modules are major hurdles to swapping the full dash to a CJ-style, but just replacing the section that houses the cluster seems like it would be pretty manageable. It would be awesome to have like a aluminum housing or something very throwback.
Moab Dessert

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Gauge upgrade Empty Re: Gauge upgrade

Post  oathkeeper4freedom 7/26/2012, 10:51 am

talked to a tech at auto meter today and was told it should work. I will have to perform a basic test to see if the ecu is confused by unplugging the cluster and starting my ol TJ and checking for codes....if none are present I should be good to roll.....Autometer also said as most of the aftermarket electrical gauges are positive/send/ground/ I will have to do some detective work to find out what make who work.....I think after my Virginia Beach trip in early August I will start to find some black aluminum diamond plate and find someone can cut it....
Mall Crawler

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