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Shop or member to swap wheels only?

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Shop or member to swap wheels only? Empty Shop or member to swap wheels only?

Post  FadedLineVigil 8/23/2012, 7:35 am

Hi all,

I go back and forth between my stock silver Moabs and my steel black Pro Comps on my JK depending on season/use. It usually costs me about $250 to swap them out at a local mechanic. Anyone know of a place that will do it cheaper or if you have the tools, I'll pay someone to do it.

Thanks for your suggestions.
Mall Crawler

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Shop or member to swap wheels only? Empty Re: Shop or member to swap wheels only?

Post  Ryan McKee 8/23/2012, 9:13 am

FadedLineVigil wrote:Hi all,

I go back and forth between my stock silver Moabs and my steel black Pro Comps on my JK depending on season/use. It usually costs me about $250 to swap them out at a local mechanic. Anyone know of a place that will do it cheaper or if you have the tools, I'll pay someone to do it.

Thanks for your suggestions.

Pep Boys just did a mount/balance for $50 for all 5 for me a month ago in Dedham. Firestone is about $20 a tire, as is Sears and most other places. $250 sounds like he's laughing all the way to the bank.
Ryan McKee
Ryan McKee

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Shop or member to swap wheels only? Empty Re: Shop or member to swap wheels only?

Post  FadedLineVigil 8/23/2012, 9:35 am

Hey thanks for the tip, you're right much cheaper. I just called and will be getting the black steels back on tomorrow. Appreciated.

Ryan M wrote:
FadedLineVigil wrote:Hi all,

I go back and forth between my stock silver Moabs and my steel black Pro Comps on my JK depending on season/use. It usually costs me about $250 to swap them out at a local mechanic. Anyone know of a place that will do it cheaper or if you have the tools, I'll pay someone to do it.

Thanks for your suggestions.

Pep Boys just did a mount/balance for $50 for all 5 for me a month ago in Dedham. Firestone is about $20 a tire, as is Sears and most other places. $250 sounds like he's laughing all the way to the bank.
Mall Crawler

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Shop or member to swap wheels only? Empty Re: Shop or member to swap wheels only?

Post  CrawlingForward 8/23/2012, 10:08 am

Another option might be to Craigslist another set of tires and install them on the spare set of wheels, so that you can easily swap them.
Moab Dessert

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Shop or member to swap wheels only? Empty Re: Shop or member to swap wheels only?

Post  Mark 8/23/2012, 10:18 am

250 dollars will buy some good used tires .
Rubicon Trail

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Shop or member to swap wheels only? Empty Re: Shop or member to swap wheels only?

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