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North Shore Jeeps
Time to get the Jeep dirty! Register or log in to join the fun. If you don't, it's really your loss. There are good, knowledgeable people here. Some odd ones too, but most are o.k....
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Inexpensive Welder

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Inexpensive Welder Empty Inexpensive Welder

Post  Mark 12/10/2012, 12:25 pm

A friend of mine had just purchased a new welder.
It Is a 125 amp wire feed .He purchased It at tractor supply on sale for 100 dollars.
It Is a job smart 125 . It comes with a small roll of .030 flux wire, a wire brush and is 110 volts and It works well.
He and I also bought self darkening welding helmets on sale for 50 dollars ,regulary 100, works awesome,
no more flipping helmet and loosing track of where to strike an arc when initating laying down a bead .
A pretty good welder for the price and a great helmet, it's made by arc source.
Harbor freight has welders for a good price also.

Rubicon Trail

Posts : 1300
Join date : 2011-12-10
Location : Haverhill, MA

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