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YJ rear recovery point

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YJ rear recovery point Empty YJ rear recovery point

Post  THOOPY3 3/15/2013, 11:39 am

Hey guys. So I've recently been alerted to the fact that the rear crossmember of my YJ is basically useless for mounting any sort of recovery point on. This comes about because I was thinking of purchasing a rear bumper with recovery points, but seeing as that spot is so weak that would be a pointless use of what little money I have. I've seen various places that sell YJ frame tie-ins to make this area stronger, but they require welding (and I would imagine dropping the gas tank to do so) and I have no means of doing that, nor do I have any desire to drop the tank.

I do have two holes on the rear bottom of the frame, one on each side, that my TJ rear bumper ties into for extra support. I was thinking about drilling and tapping a hole behind the left side one and installing a weight-rated hook, that way it's attached to the frame, and attached in two places for the extra support. Does this sound like a plausible idea and place to attach this? I know that area of the YJs is notorious for rot, and I'm afraid that drilling it out may cause me further problems down the line. Everything looks and feels solid on mine, but I'm nervous about what I may find. What do you YJ guys use on yours, and should I just bite the bullet, buy some frame tie-ins, and find someone to weld them on?
Moab Dessert

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YJ rear recovery point Empty Re: YJ rear recovery point

Post  OverlandXJ 3/15/2013, 9:25 pm

IMHO the most cost effective way to add a good strong recovery point to your YJ would be to put in a trailer hitch. With a trailer hitch in you can get a recever hitch D-ring shackle. I intend intend to build a trailer hitch to My XJ for use with both a winch and as a recovery point. I have a bunch of steel to build with so that is why i am building mine but, you can find a YJ hitch for around $150-$200, which is a far more affordable than frame tie ins and new bumper.
Mall Crawler

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