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3.5 lift rock krawler or rubicon super flex

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3.5 lift rock krawler or rubicon super flex Empty 3.5 lift rock krawler or rubicon super flex

Post  bigmike 5/13/2013, 3:25 pm

so i did a little research on 3.5 lift kits and im stuck between the rubicon super flex or the rock krawler i hope you guys either have one or know a little about them. im leanin towards the rubicon super flex. i also want to do a tcase drop till i save up for sye and drive shaft. money is kinda an issue here so im lookin for the best bang for my bucks. i dont want to go too cheap not because they are crap i just want it to last. just a reminder she is my dd.
Mall Crawler

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Age : 43
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3.5 lift rock krawler or rubicon super flex Empty Re: 3.5 lift rock krawler or rubicon super flex

Post  nsjbill 5/13/2013, 3:58 pm

Are you going 3.5" for certain tire size or just want that height? I (and couple others here mostly) installed a Rock Krawler 2.5" Max Travel. In my opinion the quality of the parts were superb. Of course it was my first lift so I am no pro.

the reason I ask is because I will most likely never go above 35" tires as long as the JK is my daily driver. A 2.5" lift is plenty for 35s and even 37s if you do some fender trimming. Just wanted to throw that out there.
Class 6A

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Location : Haverhill, MA

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3.5 lift rock krawler or rubicon super flex Empty Re: 3.5 lift rock krawler or rubicon super flex

Post  bigmike 5/13/2013, 4:54 pm

Im goin for height and im goin 33x10.5 km2. I have a 2.5 in now. Just a cheepo 4wd econo lift that has treated me good so far. I just need some clearance
Mall Crawler

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Age : 43
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3.5 lift rock krawler or rubicon super flex Empty Re: 3.5 lift rock krawler or rubicon super flex

Post  nsjbill 5/13/2013, 5:03 pm

Fair enough. If you plan on going to the Go Topless Day festivities Saturday, you can check out my 2.5 RK lift and 33" tires.
Class 6A

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Location : Haverhill, MA

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3.5 lift rock krawler or rubicon super flex Empty Re: 3.5 lift rock krawler or rubicon super flex

Post  bigmike 5/13/2013, 5:43 pm

I will be there im leavin fri after work my fiance has family out that way. I cant wait gor this weeken are you guys camping out there or hotel
Mall Crawler

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Age : 43
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3.5 lift rock krawler or rubicon super flex Empty Re: 3.5 lift rock krawler or rubicon super flex

Post  nsjbill 5/13/2013, 6:51 pm

i know a few are... not i tho
Class 6A

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Location : Haverhill, MA

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3.5 lift rock krawler or rubicon super flex Empty Re: 3.5 lift rock krawler or rubicon super flex

Post  nsjbill 5/13/2013, 6:55 pm

i know a few are... not i tho
Class 6A

Posts : 216
Join date : 2013-02-14
Location : Haverhill, MA

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3.5 lift rock krawler or rubicon super flex Empty Re: 3.5 lift rock krawler or rubicon super flex

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