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Fender Flare

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Fender Flare Empty Fender Flare

Post  jeeperscripes 1/23/2012, 11:47 am

So I am/want to replace my rear passenger fender flare on my JK. It was partially ripped off in a parking lot. Scuzz.

So being a amateur do-it-yourselfer jeeper, how easily can I manage on my own? Obv will have to make sure I have the right tools, (wrench/socket set). But is this something I can do on a weekend, provided it isn't 9 degrees out?


Daily Driver

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Fender Flare Empty Re: Fender Flare

Post  JaFra 1/23/2012, 1:33 pm

I imagine things aren't too different between the TJ and JK in terms of flare technology. I've replaced my flares twice in the last year. The first time is a bit tricky because the bolts are held on with 'nutserts' so they just spin behind the fender, but the second time was much faster because I replaced that nonsense with nuts and bolts. All in all, it took me about 3 hours the first time with a socket wrench and a pair of pliers. The second time, about an hour and a half with a standard wrench, as my socket was busted on another project.

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