North Shore Jeeps
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North Shore Jeeps
Time to get the Jeep dirty! Register or log in to join the fun. If you don't, it's really your loss. There are good, knowledgeable people here. Some odd ones too, but most are o.k....
North Shore Jeeps
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TJ from Reading

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TJ from Reading Empty TJ from Reading

Post  THOOPY3 3/13/2012, 11:42 pm

Hi everyone, I'm TJ from Reading. I went to high school with founder Ryan and we know each other from our time there. He invited me to join the club after seeing some of my posts about work to my Jeep on Facebook, and thus here I am. I have a 1992 YJ 2.5L 4 cylinder with stock tranny, t-case, and axles. No lift yet, but I'm hoping to change that once I graduate from UMass in the spring and get some more time to work on her. I've wheeled a few times in Western Mass so I'm not a total newbie to this. I've done too much work to list it all here, but once I get a chance to meet all of you I'm sure we'll trade some good war stories.

TJ from Reading 392246_2585883046577_1239540617_32586738_1207400744_n
Moab Dessert

Posts : 626
Join date : 2012-03-13
Age : 34
Location : Woburn, MA

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TJ from Reading Empty Re: TJ from Reading

Post  Ryan McKee 3/14/2012, 10:16 am

Glad you made it man! Sorry you won't be around for the pizza party, but we'll see you on the trails and hopefully at our next meet! Post up some more photos and some info on what you've done to the YJ!
Ryan McKee
Ryan McKee

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Join date : 2011-12-09
Location : Reading, MA

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TJ from Reading Empty Re: TJ from Reading

Post  CrawlingForward 3/14/2012, 12:20 pm

Woot woot! Another YJ!

Glad to have you on here, man! Post up some more pictures and don't worry about being stock. We definitely will have a number of stock-friendly runs!
Moab Dessert

Posts : 822
Join date : 2011-12-09
Age : 39
Location : Flushing, MI

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TJ from Reading Empty Re: TJ from Reading

Post  THOOPY3 3/14/2012, 12:47 pm

Will do, I'll make a new section in the build thread category.
Moab Dessert

Posts : 626
Join date : 2012-03-13
Age : 34
Location : Woburn, MA

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