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Shops near Reading that can modify my Jeep?

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Shops near Reading that can modify my Jeep? Empty Shops near Reading that can modify my Jeep?

Post  SuperJenius 8/21/2013, 8:30 am

Hi everyone,

Noob to the forum. Just wondering if anyone knows of a good shop that can do some mods to my JKU near reading, ma. Basically, I want to put my lift on it (for starters....) but might have some plans for the future. I just want to find a good reliable place that will take care of my baby.
Daily Driver

Posts : 2
Join date : 2013-08-17

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Shops near Reading that can modify my Jeep? Empty Re: Shops near Reading that can modify my Jeep?

Post  Ryan McKee 8/21/2013, 9:56 am

SuperJenius wrote:Hi everyone,

Noob to the forum.  Just wondering if anyone knows of a good shop that can do some mods to my JKU near reading, ma. Basically, I want to put my lift on it (for starters....) but might have some plans for the future. I just want to find a good reliable place that will take care of my baby.
Greetings. I'm in Reading. As far as a place that is reliable, go to Weaver's Auto on High Street by the train depot. Tell Jay that Ryan McKee sent you from the Jeep Club.

Installing the lift? Have a group of us help you. Order some pizza and get some cold beers and invite us over on a weekend and we'll get it done without you spending $600 or so to have the lift installed, and you actually get to learn a thing or two.
Ryan McKee
Ryan McKee

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Location : Reading, MA

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Shops near Reading that can modify my Jeep? Empty Re: Shops near Reading that can modify my Jeep?

Post  SuperJenius 8/25/2013, 6:22 am

Hey Ryan,

Thanks for the info and the offer. I haven't ordered the kit yet (Teraflex 2.5 BB) but I will soon. I definitely would like to not spend $600 to lift it!

Thanks again!
Daily Driver

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Join date : 2013-08-17

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Shops near Reading that can modify my Jeep? Empty Re: Shops near Reading that can modify my Jeep?

Post  CrawlingForward 8/26/2013, 12:57 pm

Oh, totally with a budget boost there's no need for a shop.

Pizza and some age-appropriate beverages should do the trick just fine for getting some of the crew together.

I'm debating the same 2.5 BB, you'll have to let me know what you think!
Moab Dessert

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Shops near Reading that can modify my Jeep? Empty Re: Shops near Reading that can modify my Jeep?

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