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Expensive as hell, but super cool

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Expensive as hell, but super cool Empty Expensive as hell, but super cool

Post  CrawlingForward 5/1/2014, 12:01 pm

I normal feel like modular stuff is a system of compromising, but there is some really well thought out and well engineered stuff here....

But over two grand for a bumper is a bit more than I'd *ever* be willing to pay.
Moab Dessert

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Expensive as hell, but super cool Empty Re: Expensive as hell, but super cool

Post  THOOPY3 5/1/2014, 1:15 pm

I've seen multi-configuration bumpers like this sold on Quadratec for I believe YJs through JKs. Definitely a cool idea to be able to mix and match according to need and budget, but like you said two grand is an outrageously high price. I think the ones on Quadratec started around $500, but in fairness I don't believe they offered nearly the same amount of configuration options as these. The High Lift attachment is a particularly smart idea in my opinion.

I plan on having a stubby bumper by the time the Rausch trip rolls around, but that's gonna cost me like $20 from Harbor Freight haha.
Moab Dessert

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Expensive as hell, but super cool Empty Re: Expensive as hell, but super cool

Post  CrawlingForward 5/1/2014, 1:28 pm

A lot of the ones on Quadratec are of cheaper quality metal and powdercoating, I think too. Not a grand difference, I'd wager, ha ha, but definitely not as good.

I really like their system of omni-directional shackles and the removeable winch housing. Not worth the premium for my usage, but if you were building a true, like...Sahara crawling vehicle, it would be totally worth it!
Moab Dessert

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Expensive as hell, but super cool Empty Re: Expensive as hell, but super cool

Post  Andrew Miller 5/2/2014, 2:18 am

Now that's a bumper with options!!
Andrew Miller
Andrew Miller

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Expensive as hell, but super cool Empty Re: Expensive as hell, but super cool

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