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North Shore Jeeps
Time to get the Jeep dirty! Register or log in to join the fun. If you don't, it's really your loss. There are good, knowledgeable people here. Some odd ones too, but most are o.k....
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Hey there! Brand New

Andrew Miller
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Post  JcThomas556 11/5/2014, 9:34 pm

[img:8557]]Hey there! Brand New Jeepin10[/url][/img]

Hey everyone, Name's Jacob,
I'm new to off-roading myself but am looking to get into it and learn , been out a few times by myself but wanna get going with some friends. moved here recently from Northern California and now living in Farmington, NH. Own a 98 Tj all stock for now, but It does have a few cool stickers.

Anyway I'd love to go jeeping most any weekend. let me know If you don't mind someone tagging along!
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Post  Andrew Miller 11/6/2014, 1:50 pm

Welcome Jacob!
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Post  dongalonga 11/6/2014, 3:48 pm

Welcome aboard!
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Post  Mark 11/6/2014, 5:19 pm

Cool stickers,,that's a good start lol. Welcome to NSJ,,Jacob,
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Post  Posimoto 11/6/2014, 8:16 pm

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Post  JcThomas556 11/6/2014, 8:48 pm

Mark wrote:Cool stickers,,that's a good start lol. Welcome to NSJ,,Jacob,

Thanks! When I get some more money in I'll be getting some newer additions.

Apparently I cannot reply to personal messages either!

Oh well, I just had a few questions about your club run,

I was wondering if anyone could join in on the rides or the club?

I won't be able to make it to this one regardless due to not being quite outfitted and prior engagements but for future reference, how imperative is a cb radio? Will I absolutely need to have one in or would I be fine saying close to someone?

Is the club and are the runs you guys go on pretty family friendly? Is alcohol usually a thing? Also, is it something I'd wanna do if I really don't have much, if any prior experience with jeeping?

Thank you so much for helpin out the new guy!
Daily Driver

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Post  Mark 11/6/2014, 10:59 pm

Ryan can enlighten you. But I'll tell you what i believe to be correct info.
Anyone can join the club, if you have a jeep.
As far as alcohol goes, no alcohol on runs at all, except end of day of camping runs i believe, but no drinking and driving at all, ever.

As stated, Ryan can tell you more on that subject.
Family friendly, YES. dogs, or a passenger is ok.
CB radio, well you should have one but you can get in middle of pack for a run, but it's best to aquire one by your second run or so i would say.
It makes things go much smoother as everyone is on same page.
As far as experience goes, you cant get experience if you don't go on the runs.
I wouldn't reccomend you to go one of the more hard core runs yet as your jeep isn't set up for that, but there are newbie / stock rig friendly runs and you will fit right in there, no problem.

Do you have the stock tow hooks on the front and do you have a place one each rear corner or at least one one the rear ?
Check with Ryan or Andrew if tow points are required for the easier stock runs or what safety equipment might be recommended or required. That also might be listed specifically for each run.

After 10 postings you can pm someone i believe. So be reasonably active and soon enough it won't be a problem.

Last edited by Mark on 11/6/2014, 11:09 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : typo)
Rubicon Trail

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Post  Ryan McKee 11/7/2014, 1:56 am

Mark wrote:Ryan can enlighten you.

And he shall!

Hey! Welcome to NSJ.

We're absolutely a family friendly club. We respectfully ask/expect that nobody will be consuming alcohol while on the trail runs, as it risks the safety of all equipment, operators, and spectators. That, and the fact that most trails we run are still legal roads, meaning that you could actually be issued a DUI while Jeeping on the trails.

We do offer runs multiple times a year for "stock friendly" Jeeps, anticipating that the operators have never taken their Jeeps off the road before, and we extensively go over basic operation and handling while off-road.

A CB radio is an interesting piece of discussion for the club. I list it as a requirement for every run we do, however a handful of people do not have them. Staying close to the person in front of you does not help or make the situation any better, as it still does not allow us to communicate with everyone while moving. Beyond simple traversing of trails, in situations where winching may be necessary, it's unbelievably important to be able to communicate between cabs, limiting a spotter's proximity to the winch cable (in case it snaps... I like having a head on my shoulders, as I'm sure most people do). On that note, tow points are highly recommended. Even something like a trailer hitch that is tied into the frame. It's a $30-50 mod to get a shackle mount for a stock front bumper, and makes the ease of recovery, no matter how seemingly unlikely, much easier.

Keep posting, get your involvement up, and PMs/photo posting will be allowed. It's set up as a spam filter to keep fake accounts from posting all over with advertisements and the like!

Again, ask any questions you might have, and welcome to NSJ!

(December's run should be stock-friendly enough for you to come along, once we announce the dates, FYI)
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Post  JcThomas556 11/7/2014, 6:52 pm

sweet! sounds good! I've got to look into getting some of that stuff, making sure I'm good on tow points and radio, going to be modding and buying stuff anyway and those are good things to start with so hopefully I'll be equipped enough, come December.

Happy to hear about it being friendly and alcohol free!

That al sounds great! I'll do some research and some work on that and look for updates.

Any tips on a cb purchase??

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Post  Mark 11/7/2014, 9:50 pm

I have seen them at Walmart, you don't need an expensive one.
Rubicon Trail

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Post  Tonellin 11/10/2014, 11:02 am

I agree with Mark - you don't need a fancy CB pretty much any basic radio will give you more than enough capability for what we use them for.

I have the Uniden PRO520XL, it's cheap and effective - you'll then need a CB antenna and coax cable which you could get from Right Channel Radio. A lot of guys goes with the Firestik 4' kit

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Post  JcThomas556 11/10/2014, 11:18 am

Sweet sounds good, thanks for the help
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Post  Ryan McKee 11/10/2014, 10:47 pm

Another +1 for the 520XL and Right Channel Radios.

I run a 3' Firestik from my rear brake light, it peaks just above the roofline. Doesn't get clipped by a lot of tree branches.
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Post  JcThomas556 11/11/2014, 10:09 pm

Hey! I was looking at what I need to do for possibly being able go on the December run. I was wondering if you knew where the run might be? I live in Farmington so I just wanted to see if id be able to make it regardless. If you don't know that's fine. Just wondering.
Daily Driver

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Post  Ryan McKee 11/12/2014, 3:14 pm

JcThomas556 wrote:Hey! I was looking at what I need to do for possibly being able go on the December run. I was wondering if you knew where the run might be?  I live in Farmington so I just wanted to see if id be able to make it regardless. If you don't know that's fine. Just wondering.

The December run will be in Hooksett NH. Stock will be ok, but something more than the Wrangler GS/A tires would be really helpful, especially if there's snow on the ground!
Ryan McKee
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