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Seats(s) wanted. Tan/Beige/Khaki TJ also possibly XJ, TJ, brand?

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Seats(s) wanted. Tan/Beige/Khaki  TJ also possibly XJ, TJ, brand? Empty Seats(s) wanted. Tan/Beige/Khaki TJ also possibly XJ, TJ, brand?

Post  blue55 5/15/2016, 3:04 pm

My drivers seat has the classic look of a pit bull attack on the left side.
It's ok if it doesn't match my passenger one exactly so long as I can get a pair that match each other and they are in the Tan/Beige/Khaki whatever color that remotely goes with my interior.

Even a pair of off-brand ones would be ok.

I think XJ, TJ, and WJ seats have all the same mount points, and would fit all of the bases so I would take a look at them too
Possibly a ZJ but it might be too tall.

Does anyone have something for less than new ?

Daily Driver

Posts : 24
Join date : 2011-12-09
Location : Haverhill MA

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