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North Shore Jeeps
Time to get the Jeep dirty! Register or log in to join the fun. If you don't, it's really your loss. There are good, knowledgeable people here. Some odd ones too, but most are o.k....
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XJ JCR rear bumper

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XJ JCR rear bumper Empty XJ JCR rear bumper

Post  saxmanclay 5/17/2015, 3:17 pm

Hi everyone! I know, I haven't been on here in a while. I also haven't gone on any trail runs in FOREVER, but that's due to the XJ having a nasty oil leak, and basically just sitting until I can get it fixed (which WILL be this summer!). Anyway, onto the title....

I'm selling a JCR XJ rear bumper off of our 01 XJ. The reason being is because I bought a new rear bumper with a 2" receiver in it, as the old one does not have one.

It will fit all XJ's, and will come with the mounting hardware. I'd like to get $200 for it. You can either call or text me at 978-289-2429 for more info.
Mall Crawler

Posts : 79
Join date : 2011-12-10
Age : 36
Location : Hanson

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