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Storm clean up.. Got Snow??

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Storm clean up.. Got Snow?? Empty Storm clean up.. Got Snow??

Post  Mark 2/11/2013, 10:25 am

Is every one all dug out from the storm, hitting the Tylenol and headed back to work.
Got a couple foot plus over here.
A couple of good neighbors helped Carol clean up around here, good thing because I couldn't help.
I couldn't even lift a shovel full.
We had 3 snow blowers going at the same time, almost needed a traffic light. lol...
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Storm clean up.. Got Snow?? Empty Re: Storm clean up.. Got Snow??

Post  durajeep 2/15/2013, 8:38 pm

I work for Burlington DPW and we just finished clearing corners pushing back piles opening/widening roads and today we finally finished the last sidewalk.....worked over 100hrs lastweek. It was brutal.
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Storm clean up.. Got Snow?? Empty Re: Storm clean up.. Got Snow??

Post  nsjbill 2/15/2013, 8:39 pm

I am sure that paycheck will ease your pain Dura lol!
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Storm clean up.. Got Snow?? Empty Re: Storm clean up.. Got Snow??

Post  durajeep 2/16/2013, 8:13 am

Yes it helps but being away from my family for so long sucked and not being able to drive the jeep in the snow wasn't fun either
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