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Snow plow on the JK...thoughts?

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Snow plow on the JK...thoughts? Empty Snow plow on the JK...thoughts?

Post  AquilesT 9/16/2014, 1:22 pm

So i have seen them online over other forums and such but want to get some more thoughts on this...
I have been thinking about getting a plow and throwing it on the JK they range from 1.5-3k-ish depending on functionality. I was thinking of using it for some extra cash during the winter months when we get slammed with snow. Likely for driveways and sidewalks nothing major. (my brother as a BOSS on his Tundra and it definitely paid for it self and then some last winter).

Anyone have any experience with a jeep and a plow? My jk has the 3.8 minivan motor but i assume 4hi or likely preferable 4lo shouldnt burn out the trany or anything like that?
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Snow plow on the JK...thoughts? Empty Re: Snow plow on the JK...thoughts?

Post  CrawlingForward 9/16/2014, 4:20 pm

Well, typically the issue with Jeeps and plows is the wheelbase, but if you've got a JKU, it shouldn't be a huge issue.

It's been done on Jeeps since the CJ, though, so it's possible, it's just a matter of picking a plow size appropriate for your needs and the Jeep's abilities.
Moab Dessert

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Snow plow on the JK...thoughts? Empty Re: Snow plow on the JK...thoughts?

Post  dongalonga 9/16/2014, 10:55 pm

It's a great way to wear out front end parts in a hurry. Just find a beater truck IMHO.
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Snow plow on the JK...thoughts? Empty Re: Snow plow on the JK...thoughts?

Post  desertzj 9/19/2014, 6:22 pm

dongalonga wrote:It's a great way to wear out front end parts in a hurry. Just find a beater truck IMHO.

pick up a run down tj or yj and a plow for it off CL, 1-3k easy and then you won't run your jk down. can it handle it? hell yes, but you will wear out some parts quicker. Reason to upgrade after they wear out? of course, and you could probably pay for upgraded parts and then some by doing it but still.
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Snow plow on the JK...thoughts? Empty Re: Snow plow on the JK...thoughts?

Post  AdamL 1/13/2015, 12:32 pm

if you are just doing driveways a fisher homestead plow is one of the best. poly light and durable. i have a fisher steel minute mount plow on mine. thetight turning radius and short wheel base makes plowing driveways a breeze. I have a few landscapers call me to do a few of their driveways because their f350 with 9foot plow tears up the lawn when they do the circular driveways. Contact Salem Brake & Clutch they do the installs. Either fisher or snow way is the way to go.
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