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TJ Hood pin installation & write-up.

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TJ Hood pin installation & write-up. Empty TJ Hood pin installation & write-up.

Post  saxmanclay 3/21/2012, 10:56 pm

Hello everyone! Today I'm going to show you how to install hood pins on a Wrangler. But not crappy hood pins you get from Advance Auto Parts, THESE hood pins:

TJ Hood pin installation & write-up. 0104121214

I bought these from Poly Performance. They cost about $30 for the pair. Here is a link:

Here is the Jeep we're going to be installing them on.

TJ Hood pin installation & write-up. Image19

Now, why install hood pins, you ask? This is why:

TJ Hood pin installation & write-up. Image30

When I installed my tube fenders, I ordered new latches because my old ones kept spinning and weren't coming off. For some reason or another, they kept getting torn up and end up flying off my Jeep. Finally I got a good pair, but this one was on its way out, and the other one wouldn't come off when I tried to get it off either.

So these are the supplies you will need.

1/2" Drill
10 mm socket
13 mm socket
1 1/4" hole saw
2 1/8" hole saw
1/4" drill bit
5/8" drill bit
Hole punch

So here we go!

1.) Find out where you want to mount your hood pins. I looked under my hood for a good spot because I wanted to an easy spot to drill through. You can also look directly under it and see where the support is. I chose these spots.

Driver side:
TJ Hood pin installation & write-up. 0321121006

Passenger side:
TJ Hood pin installation & write-up. 0321121005a

These are good spots because there is already a hole there, which will make drilling much easier.

2.) Take the pin and put some grease on the tip. Put it under the hood and close it. It will mark the grill, and therefore show you were to drill.

Driver side:
TJ Hood pin installation & write-up. Image24

Passenger side:
TJ Hood pin installation & write-up. Image25

The passenger side hole is a bit long, so I moved the pin towards the center, and it ended up being in line with other side.

3.) Now that you know where you're going to drill, remove your headlights.

TJ Hood pin installation & write-up. Image23

There are plenty of write-ups on how to do that, so I won't bother with the details.

4.) Take your hole punch, give it a good WHACK (not a WOMP), and drill out the hole with your 1/4" drill bit.

TJ Hood pin installation & write-up. Image26

5.) Then, take your 5/8" drill bit (yep, it's a biggin!) and make the hole bigger.

TJ Hood pin installation & write-up. Image27

6.) Insert the pin into the hole you just drilled out. You can then loosely thread in the nuts that came with it. You don't want to tighten it down now because you will have to adjust the height later.

TJ Hood pin installation & write-up. Image21

7.) Put a dab of grease on the top of the hood pin and close the hood. The bottom of your hood will then be marked for where you will drill.

TJ Hood pin installation & write-up. Image28

Grease on hood:
TJ Hood pin installation & write-up. 0321121031

(cont. on next post)
Mall Crawler

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TJ Hood pin installation & write-up. Empty Re: TJ Hood pin installation & write-up.

Post  saxmanclay 3/21/2012, 10:57 pm

8.) Now take your 1/4" drill bit and make a pilot hole. Then take the 2 1/8" hole saw and make the hole MUCH BIGGER!!! You're probably asking why you need to drill a bigger hole on the bottom. It's so you can tighten up the allen head bolts when putting on the rubber grommet.
(Please take caution when using the hole saw. Where protective goggles and drilling. And do you best to keep your hands away from the area being drilled. The when drilling this hole the hole saw jump and took a good chunk out of my thumb. So PLEASE BE CAREFUL.)

TJ Hood pin installation & write-up. 0321121206

9.) Put some MOAR grease on the pins and close the hood. That will show you where to drill into the top layer of the hood. Drill from the underside of the hood.

10.) Take your 1 1/4" hole saw and drill into the topside of the hood. Use some blue painters tape protect your paint.

TJ Hood pin installation & write-up. IMG01581-20120321-1232

^Yep, that's me lookin like a BAMF!^

11.) After drilling your last big holes, again take your 1/4" drill bit and drill holes for the allen head bolts. You're almost done!

TJ Hood pin installation & write-up. IMG01580-20120321-1231

TJ Hood pin installation & write-up. IMG01583-20120321-1236

12.) Insert the grommets, and go to the underside of your hood to insert and tighten up your allen head bolts.

TJ Hood pin installation & write-up. Image29

TJ Hood pin installation & write-up. 0321121310

I had some trouble inserting the driver side allen head bolts, so what I did was I took a 7/16 wrench and covered up the closed side with tape. Then I took the nut and was able to hold it while turning the bolt to thread it in. Don't worry, you can do it!

13.) Now close it all up and admire your work!

TJ Hood pin installation & write-up. IMG01585-20120321-1327

As a side note, I also removed the side latch supports, as seen here:

TJ Hood pin installation & write-up. 0321120917

TJ Hood pin installation & write-up. Image20

It was a 10mm bolt that had to be removed. To cover up the holes I went and bought some stainless steel hardware.

TJ Hood pin installation & write-up. Image22

After an initial test drive, the hood never flapped in the wind. And it looks killer. Hope this helps anyone that needs it. Enjoy!:2thumbsup:cheers

AND! A big thanks to DJFLYY for coming up to help me out. His help is always greatly appreciated.
Mall Crawler

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Age : 37
Location : Hanson

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TJ Hood pin installation & write-up. Empty Re: TJ Hood pin installation & write-up.

Post  Tobit 3/22/2012, 7:39 am

Nice job Clay!
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TJ Hood pin installation & write-up. Empty Re: TJ Hood pin installation & write-up.

Post  Ryan McKee 3/22/2012, 10:04 am

I feel like I've read this somewhere before......... king

Nice job Clay

Ryan McKee
Ryan McKee

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TJ Hood pin installation & write-up. Empty hood pins

Post  Mark 3/22/2012, 10:20 am

Looks great, maybe you could mount some small lights on hood where latch was in the recessed area.
Some projector lights , turn signals, or small bullet style lights.
just my two cents.
Rubicon Trail

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TJ Hood pin installation & write-up. Empty Re: TJ Hood pin installation & write-up.

Post  saxmanclay 3/22/2012, 10:38 am

Actually, Danielle gave me that idea yesterday. I know motorcycles have tiny lights that might look great right there. So next time I'm at a bike shop I'll take a look around.
Mall Crawler

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TJ Hood pin installation & write-up. Empty Re: TJ Hood pin installation & write-up.

Post  Mark 3/22/2012, 12:39 pm

just a thought you never know it may work out
Rubicon Trail

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TJ Hood pin installation & write-up. Empty Re: TJ Hood pin installation & write-up.

Post  Ryan McKee 3/22/2012, 4:17 pm

Clay... Grab 4 of these - $2.95 each for the 10mm Bolt LEDs. Hook them into your turn signals.

TJ Hood pin installation & write-up. 0cb06bb1
Ryan McKee
Ryan McKee

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