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New Cherokee....thoughts?

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New Cherokee....thoughts? Empty New Cherokee....thoughts?

Post  CrawlingForward 2/22/2013, 1:08 pm

New Cherokee....thoughts? Ku-large

New Cherokee....thoughts? K-bigpic

I dunno.

While it's clearly no XJ, if I think of it as a Subaru competitor (which Jeep sorely needs), I think it could find a very important niche in the Jeep line-up.

I'll reserve judgement until I see the final specs, but I think it could be promising.

Moab Dessert

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New Cherokee....thoughts? Empty Re: New Cherokee....thoughts?

Post  Mark 2/22/2013, 1:37 pm

Well, it had to keep up with the now a day styling or it would be a flop right off the bat.
BMW, Mitsubishi, Volvo and so on styling.
It sure beats the look of the liberty by a mile.
It's certainly not the old shoe box with doors on it any more that's for sure.
I'll bet it is a hit with the women.
Only time will tell...
Rubicon Trail

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New Cherokee....thoughts? Empty Re: New Cherokee....thoughts?

Post  jku87 2/25/2013, 3:53 pm

It's atrocious
Mall Crawler

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New Cherokee....thoughts? Empty Re: New Cherokee....thoughts?

Post  Mark 2/25/2013, 4:23 pm

The head lights, grille and bumper have got to go.
Rubicon Trail

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New Cherokee....thoughts? Empty Re: New Cherokee....thoughts?

Post  nsjbill 2/26/2013, 10:40 am

Some things should be iconic. These pics just scream to me "I can look just like every other SUV out there!" The lights are what kill it for me.
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New Cherokee....thoughts? Empty Re: New Cherokee....thoughts?

Post  OverlandXJ 2/26/2013, 8:47 pm

As a self proclaimed XJ fanatic i find that "thing" to be a smear on the name....... The current liberty looks WAY more like an XJ than that thing does. its not even on the map...its curvy........if they put the 97-00 style XJ back into production i would be at the door of a dealership with a check as fast as i could. I had seen those pix on the internet and i was hopeing it was one of those proposed designs that would be wiped off the board like so many of their other amazing Concept vehicles. I would have even take the trail hawk concept over this thing. i for one want to see the Forward Control, and the J10 style pick up they have built, calling it the J12, go into production. But i think the one that really got away was the Hurricane. that was a true beast.

Mall Crawler

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