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TJ uppers on YJ half doors project

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TJ uppers on YJ half doors project Empty TJ uppers on YJ half doors project

Post  THOOPY3 4/3/2013, 11:08 am

Hi guys. I'm starting this thread because soon I'm planning on starting a project to modify some TJ upper soft doors to work with my YJ half doors and hard top. There are various write-ups on JF about doing this, and with the weather getting nicer I'm getting the itch to be able to lose the doors (or at least the windows) easier, and this is the best solution. Here's a link to what I'm hoping for:

And here's a photo of another that came out really well:

TJ uppers on YJ half doors project Img2011l

Just envision black uppers with a black top (like the one in the link) and that's what I'm going for. The reason I'm posting this here though is that the mod requires a small amount of welding to the rear pin of the upper door, which as I've posted about before I don't have the means to do. I'm wondering if someone would be willing to help with this at the end of the process. It doesn't have to be pretty, it just needs to hold well. I'll obviously pay for whatever supplies are needed and travel to you to make it happen.

This probably wouldn't be for at least a few weeks because my driver half door still isn't latching properly, so I'm gonna try to figure that situation out first. Anybody willing to help please let me know, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Moab Dessert

Posts : 626
Join date : 2012-03-13
Age : 34
Location : Woburn, MA

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