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YJ cowl intake using drain tube?

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YJ cowl intake using drain tube? Empty YJ cowl intake using drain tube?

Post  CrawlingForward 9/10/2015, 3:31 pm

Ok, so I've wanted to put a cowl intake on the YJ for years, but kept balking at the idea of putting holes in both the firewall *and* the cowl plenum. It just seems difficult and easy to put holes that won't work and you can't put back.

TJs have it easy, because theirs is accessible from the top, so they can just run it into an empty space. YJs have to actually drill into the cab, which offers it's own complications of noises/fumes/etc. YJs have noises and smells anyhow, but there's no need to add extras.

But today I had a brainstorm! What if you used the drain tube?
YJ cowl intake using drain tube? P1000878

If you put a Y on there, it seems like it would be big enough to let plenty of air through for a little 2.5L. It would still drain, but you could suck air through there instead of drilling a hole through the firewall. No extra fuss, no extra leaks, and fully reversible if you wanted to, especially if you used something like the Windstar airbox so you didn't have to cut up your own.

Hell, you could even just install it for a trip where you know they'll be water crossings, and revert back to stock after.

I think I'm going to hit up a JY on my way home tonight. See if I can find an airbox I like for this, because I'm going to need one no matter where I pull from, so I might as well start planning around it.

What do you guys think? Is that a big enough intake? I'll get some measurements.
Moab Dessert

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YJ cowl intake using drain tube? Empty Re: YJ cowl intake using drain tube?

Post  CrawlingForward 9/10/2015, 3:39 pm

Just saw online it's about 2", which is about the same size as the hole on the stock box, correct?

The guy in this write-up uses a soda can to block up the hole, which is 2.5" wide.

So if 2.5" is wide enough for a 6cyl, would 2" be enough for a 4?
Moab Dessert

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YJ cowl intake using drain tube? Empty Re: YJ cowl intake using drain tube?

Post  Mark 9/11/2015, 9:24 am

I would think as long as the 2" tube id is as big or bigger than the throttle body opening you will be all set.
Rubicon Trail

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